
Food for all and Second Harvest Japan

What are some of the features that the groups have in common and how do they differ?

-Both Food for all and Second Harvest Japan support people. Food for all aim to support homeless or socially excluded people by doing voluntary activities so they can learn new skill. Second Harvest Japan has an idea that not thrrowing any food stuff away though we can eat so they bring such food to welfare facilities.

What interested you the most?

-I was surprised at the idea of helping homeless or socially excluded people's growing up and it is connected to food related activity which.

How would you be able to offer help to either organisation -- as a volunteer or supporter?

-Food for all 
  we can donate money, clothes, things they need for running the shop
Second Harvest Japan
  we can donate money, food, time and so on

Which group seems to be more active? Why do you think so?

-Second harvest Japan seems to be more active because the site is more detailed and there are many way to join to support.


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