
"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi, I'll write about Staffing and Provisioning the Kitchen.

Firstly, in Tudor times, grand households like Henry Ⅷ's household wanted to employ men kitchen staffs more than women, this is diffrent from the earlier time like Georgian or Victorian kitchen because in this era, it cost lower price to employ women than men so employing men was good status for them to show off others.  There was only one woman  in the kitchens who worked in the confectionery.  Women were employed to do the washing and as casual labour for tasks like weeding the garden. 

Inside those grand household, there was hierarchy, but it seems that their position was not bad. The staffs worked at kitchen were provided two patterns of clothes and shoes and those stuffs were expensive at the time so it's good deal.  Also, even lower circle like scullion were given to the chance to enter those palace.

3 件のコメント:

  1. We can see that there was unequality between men and women. I was surprised with such employed situation. I think your posts are interesting. And I can think I want to learn more.

  2. After I read your post, I knew three was sexual discrimination between men and women. Your review is very Interesting.

  3. After I read your post, I knew three was sexual discrimination between men and women. Your review is very Interesting.
