
"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi! Today, I'll talk about Kitchens and Kitchen Equipment in Tudor England.

Kitchens in this time were varied according to people's lifestyle and income as well as today. In kitchen, most needed things are fire and water.
First, there were people who didn't have their kitchen. The fuel for fires was expensive so people who didn't available used main room's fire to cook. So there was no separete kitchen at the bottom end of the scale. Fuel was used like furze, straw, turf or peat in general. Coal was most convenient fuel but it was often expensive, therefore Royal Household reserve the amount they were to use and they also reserved the share of their imeddiate family.

In Tudor period, taking some water to home was a heavy work for most people except for the wealthy. Water was carrying from well or near river, but there's a way to supply water from by using pipe. It's unusual way but many larger and more prosperous towns had had piped water.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Your review is interesting! The disparity between the rich and the poor have huge impact on the kitchen. In particular, I was surprised that water and fire were precious for the poor.
