
"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi! Today, I'm going to write about Beer and Brewing.

In Tudor times, ale, beer were common drink for ordinary people. Water was very limited and it was not good to drink in respect of hygienic reason so they change it into brewing. Milk was drunk but it was precious resource, it was material of making cheese and butter so if they drunk, they id only a part of whey. Fruit juice existed, but not really on option for the Tudors because it was luxury and it could not be preserved so long time, if they wanted, they made cider or perry with fruits. Tea, coffee and chocolate wasn't there until 17c so they couldn't avoid drinking ale and beer.

England has a long history of beer and brewing!


"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi, I'll write about Staffing and Provisioning the Kitchen.

Firstly, in Tudor times, grand households like Henry Ⅷ's household wanted to employ men kitchen staffs more than women, this is diffrent from the earlier time like Georgian or Victorian kitchen because in this era, it cost lower price to employ women than men so employing men was good status for them to show off others.  There was only one woman  in the kitchens who worked in the confectionery.  Women were employed to do the washing and as casual labour for tasks like weeding the garden. 

Inside those grand household, there was hierarchy, but it seems that their position was not bad. The staffs worked at kitchen were provided two patterns of clothes and shoes and those stuffs were expensive at the time so it's good deal.  Also, even lower circle like scullion were given to the chance to enter those palace.


"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi! Today, I'll talk about Kitchens and Kitchen Equipment in Tudor England.

Kitchens in this time were varied according to people's lifestyle and income as well as today. In kitchen, most needed things are fire and water.
First, there were people who didn't have their kitchen. The fuel for fires was expensive so people who didn't available used main room's fire to cook. So there was no separete kitchen at the bottom end of the scale. Fuel was used like furze, straw, turf or peat in general. Coal was most convenient fuel but it was often expensive, therefore Royal Household reserve the amount they were to use and they also reserved the share of their imeddiate family.

In Tudor period, taking some water to home was a heavy work for most people except for the wealthy. Water was carrying from well or near river, but there's a way to supply water from by using pipe. It's unusual way but many larger and more prosperous towns had had piped water.


"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi! I'm reading "Food and Feast in Tudor England" and I'll report it.

In Tudor England, people ate different quality of food and it depended on their level of living.  The materials of food were basically that was in season. Of course high class people could eat various foodstuff, but people including the poor usually ate bread and pottage but the material  was quite different. For example, pottage was made by ordinary people using house-grown itmes like onions, leeks, garlic and herbs. On the other hand, rich man had pottage contained almonds spices and wine. Foodstuff which was from other countries was extremely expensive at that time, so such food like spices, lemons and oranges and also sugar were too expensive for ordinary people to buy. Bread was eaten both rich and ordinary people, but rich man ate bread which was made from wheat, however ordinary people made bread by using barley or muslin(mixture of grains) because wheat was considered to be finest flour for bread making. I'm going to read more!



"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi, I'm Saeko! I'm reading a book whose name is "Food and Feast in Tudor England".
This book is written about various food and culture things in Tudor, England,
such as furniture, dish, kitchen equipment, society at that time, and so on.

I haven't read whole of it, but I know that in 16th century, people in the highest circles gave a dinner not only showing off gorgeousness such as house, tableware but also providing suitably extansive delicacys to their guest!