
"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi! I'm reading "Food and Feast in Tudor England" and I'll report it.

In Tudor England, people ate different quality of food and it depended on their level of living.  The materials of food were basically that was in season. Of course high class people could eat various foodstuff, but people including the poor usually ate bread and pottage but the material  was quite different. For example, pottage was made by ordinary people using house-grown itmes like onions, leeks, garlic and herbs. On the other hand, rich man had pottage contained almonds spices and wine. Foodstuff which was from other countries was extremely expensive at that time, so such food like spices, lemons and oranges and also sugar were too expensive for ordinary people to buy. Bread was eaten both rich and ordinary people, but rich man ate bread which was made from wheat, however ordinary people made bread by using barley or muslin(mixture of grains) because wheat was considered to be finest flour for bread making. I'm going to read more!



"Food and Feast in Tudor England"

Hi, I'm Saeko! I'm reading a book whose name is "Food and Feast in Tudor England".
This book is written about various food and culture things in Tudor, England,
such as furniture, dish, kitchen equipment, society at that time, and so on.

I haven't read whole of it, but I know that in 16th century, people in the highest circles gave a dinner not only showing off gorgeousness such as house, tableware but also providing suitably extansive delicacys to their guest!